Meals are delivered weekly to home bound seniors who are at least 60 years of age. These meals need to be authorized by YCAAA, and are delivered by volunteers.  Cat and dog food can also be supplied free to our homebound population. 

              Congregate meals are provided free to participants who attend the center.  People order meals ahead of time, and then they can enjoy eating with their friends at the center.  Meals are served between 11:45 and 12:30, Mon – Fri.  We also provide carryout meals between 11 and 11:30, Mon – Fri from the back door in the alley.  You can either walk or drive through to pick up your lunch. 

              A low cost breakfast is available most mornings from 9-10.  We also have special breakfasts once each month.  The special breakfast could be waffles, French toast, pancakes, with berries, sausage gravy, creamed chipped beef and gravy, or might be something else special.  This usually runs $5.00. 

              We have special events on a regular basis, which may have food served as well.  Our annual Christmas Party has a turkey dinner with all the fixings provided.  Pulled pork, beef barbecue, fruit trays, snacks, and more are additions to some of our themed parties.  Picnics are also a time to share some homemade recipes.